DART 算术运算符


尽管 C 和 C++ 开发人员应该熟悉大多数 DART 运算符,但在这里我们将讨论算术运算符。

  • 算术运算符
++var值等于var+1 (先自增再赋值)
var++值等于var (先赋值再自增)
var--值等于var (先赋值再自减)


void main() {
	int a=4,b=3;

	print("Welcome in DART Operator");
	print("The addition of $a and $b is ${a+b}");
	print("The subtraction of $a and $b is ${a/b}");
	print("The multiplication of $a and $b is ${a*b}");

	print("The division of $a and $b is ${a/b}");
	print("The negation of $a and $b is ${a~/b}");
	print("The reminder of $a and $b is ${a%b}");
	print("The pri-increment of $a is ${++a}");

	print("The post-increment of $a is ${a++}");//here a value is 5 because value of a is also increse by one in pri-increment //operation.
	print("The pri-decrement of $b is ${--b}");
	print("The post-decrement of $b is ${b--}");//here b value is 2 because value of b is also decrese by one in pri-decrement //operation.

日期:2020-04-11 23:04:01 来源:oir作者:oir